As I've mentioned before, Tuesday evenings are quite hectic for us. Miss Mairin has dance class, and it's one of my teaching nights. Usually on Tuesday Rob takes the girls out to dinner before dance, but tonight we tried something different. I made a meal in the slow cooker that was ready for them when they got home. They were able to eat, clean up the kitchen, and make it to dance.........I thought it was pretty impressive!! Now, I wasn't here to see the reactions but I got good reports from Rob. Apparently Stella ate two bowls, and Mairin nearly finished hers (which, for those of you who know Mairin, it's no small miracle for her to come near to clearing her plate)!!
You're asking, what is this delicious, kid-friendly, slow cooked meal??? It's none other than Slow Cooked Ziti Casserole from Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker. Being that it came from a cookbook, I can't post the recipe here, but you can buy the book (or if you are one of my IRL friends, you can always just ask). I did make a few minor changes......I used vegetable broth instead of the dry white wine the recipe calls for. I also used penne pasta because I didn't have any ziti. The end result was good, but it seemed to be missing something. I'm going to have to play around with this one for awhile and see if I can adjust it to our taste (although, the kids did eat it, so maybe I should just leave well enough alone, right?). I used the recommended amount of garlic, and my first adjustment will be to at least double that amount.
This is one you guys definately have to try (you meat-eaters won't miss the meat at all)!! It's definately going on my list of meals to feed my non-veg friends when they come to dinner. The picture doesn't do this one justice, Rob didn't take any pictures when he and the girls ate, so this is a picture of my bowl that I nuked when I got home and I'm not much of a photographer (although, the black bean pizza pictures are yours truly, and I have to say I did a damn good job on those!!). And, yes, I realize it looks quite pathetic that we didn't have any sides with it, of course had it been a family meal I would have served a salad and bread with it. But hey, Rob and the girls had a homecooked meal on a night mommy was gone, what more can you ask for?
Ohhhhh. The Ziti looks good! Ziti is one of my fall-back meals for a busy evening too. I usually just bake it, though.
Oh, and the black bean pizza looks rockin' too. I used to make a whole wheat pizza crust in my bread machine. It was a very bread-y crust, though.
I've done the baked ziti before, but I needed something that could be cooking while I'm away dropping the kids at Rob's work and on their journey back home. For obvious reasons I can't leave the oven on, so the slow-cooker version was perfect since we weren't home to attend to the oven.
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