Monday, July 14, 2008

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Yesterday at the grocery store the rhubarb was just calling to me. I passed it up several times, only to be drawn to it again and again. So, it finally made it's way to my cart along with a package of strawberries to be made into a pie.

I used the pie crust recipe I've blogged before, and followed a recipe from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. The filling was a combo of the fruit, some sugar, a few spices, and cornstarch as a thickening agent.

This pie was fabulous!! Rob had never had rhubarb before, and he loved it....I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he ate 3 pieces!!! It really was a fantastic summer pie. As you can see, the filling was a bit runny, and I even added more cornstarch than was called for. I think next time, and yes, there will be a next time, I'll omit the cornstarch and add a little arrowroot instead.

1 comment:

E said...


Maybe I'm a dumb vegetarian, but I can't figure out how to put your site on the side of mine, because I really like it. SO if you know, please let me know.

Can't wait to try the recipes!